Physical Education (PED)

PED-110  Fit and Well for Life  2 (Credits)  
This course is designed to investigate and apply the basic concepts and principles of lifetime physical fitness and other health-related factors. Emphasis is placed on wellness through the study of nutrition, weight control, stress management, and consumer facts on exercise and fitness. Upon completion, students should be able to plan a personal, lifelong fitness program based on individual needs, abilities, and interests.
Class: 1  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
PED-113  Aerobics I  1 (Credits)  
This course introduces a program of cardiovascular fitness involving continuous, rhythmic exercise. Emphasis is placed on developing cardiovascular efficiency, strength, and flexibility and on safety precautions. Upon completion, students should be able to select and implement a rhythmic aerobic exercise program.
Class: 0  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
PED-117  Weight Training I  1 (Credits)  
This course introduces the basics of weight training. Emphasis is placed on developing muscular strength, muscular endurance, and muscle tone. Upon completion, students should be able to establish and implement a personal weight training program.
Class: 0  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
PED-119  Circuit Training  1 (Credits)  
This course covers the skills necessary to participate in a developmental fitness program. Emphasis is placed on the circuit training method which involves a series of conditioning timed stations arranged for maximum benefit and variety. Upon completion, students should be able to understand and appreciate the role of circuit training as a means to develop fitness.
Class: 0  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
PED-120  Walking for Fitness  1 (Credits)  
This course introduces fitness through walking. Emphasis is placed on stretching, conditioning exercises, proper clothing, fluid needs, and injury prevention. Upon completion, students should be able to participate in a recreational walking program.
Class: 0  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
PED-122  Yoga I  1 (Credits)  
This course introduces the basic discipline of yoga. Topics include proper breathing, relaxation techniques, and correct body positions. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the procedures of yoga.
Class: 0  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0