Graphic Design (GRD)

GRD-141  Graphic Design I  4 (Credits)  
This course introduces the conceptualization process used in visual problem solving. Emphasis is placed on learning the principles of design and on the manipulation and organization of elements. Upon completion, students should be able to apply design principles and visual elements to projects.
Class: 2  Lab: 4  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
GRD-151  Computer Design Basics  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces software applications for graphic design. Emphasis is placed on utilizing digital tools to generate design solutions. Upon completion, students should be able to use industry-standard software as a creative tool.
Class: 1  Lab: 4  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
GRD-281  Design of Advertising  2 (Credits)  
This course explores the origins, roles, scope, forms, and development of advertising. Emphasis is placed on advertising development from idea through production and the interrelationship of marketing to types of advertising, media, and organizational structure. Upon completion, students should be able to produce advertising for various media and demonstrate an understanding of the complexities and relationships involved in advertising design.
Class: 1  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0