Engineering (EGR)

EGR-150  Introduction to Engineering  2 (Credits)  
This course is an overview of the engineering profession. Topics include goal setting and career assessment, ethics, public safety, the engineering method and design process, written and oral communication, interpersonal skills and team building, and computer applications. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the engineering process, the engineering profession, and utilize college resources to meet their educational goals.
Class: 1  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
EGR-212  Logic System Design I  3 (Credits)  
This course provides an introduction to digital circuits and analysis. Topics include Boolean Algebra; mixed logic; design of combinational circuits; introduction to sequential systems; and MSI building blocks. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze and design digital circuits and systems.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): All: MAT-271 and PHY-251
EGR-214  Numerical Methods for Engineers  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces contemporary methods and tools for numerical analysis in engineering. Topics include numerical methods in differentiation, integration, root-finding, linear and non-linear regressions. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate: basic structured programming concepts involving decision making,loops, functions, and parameter passing: common numerical methods used in engineering analysis; estimation of the amount of error inherent in different numerical methods; assessment of numerical efficiency; method assessment of numerical efficiency; and convergence properties of different numerical methods.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): MAT-272
EGR-220  Engineering Statics  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces the concepts of engineering based on forces in equilibrium. Topics include concentrated forces, distributed forces, forces due to friction, and inertia as they apply to machines, structures, and systems. Upon completion, students should be able to solve problems which require the ability to analyze systems of forces in static equilibrium.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): PHY-251
State Corequisite(s): MAT-272
EGR-250  Statics/Strength of Mater  5 (Credits)  
This course includes vector analysis, equilibrium of force systems, friction, sectional properties, stress/strain, and deformation. Topics include resultants and components of forces, moments and couples, free-body diagrams, shear and moment diagrams, trusses, frames, beams, columns, connections, and combined stresses. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze simple structures.
Class: 4  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): One: MAT-121 or MAT-171
EGR-285  Design Project  2 (Credits)  
This course provides the opportunity to design an instructor-approved project using previously acquired skills. Emphasis is placed on selection, proposal, design, testing, and documentation of the approved project. Upon completion, students should be able to present and demonstrate projects.
Class: 0  Lab: 4  Clinical: 0  Work: 0