Digital Media Tech. (DME)

DME-110  Introduction to Digital Media  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces students to key concepts, technologies, and issues related to digital media. Topics include emerging standards, key technologies and related design issues, terminology, media formats, career paths, and ethical issues. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate the various media formats that are used in digital media technology.
Class: 2  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
DME-111  Content Strategy  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces the fundamentals of planning, creating, delivering, and governing content. Emphasis is placed on understanding the content lifecycle and best practices for creating useful and relevant content. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate current best practices in developing a content strategy for web, email, mobile and social media content.
Class: 2  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
DME-115  Graphic Design Tools  3 (Credits)  
This course provides students with an introduction to creative expression and art/design techniques in a digital environment. Emphasis is placed on designing, creating, editing and integrating visual components consisting of bit-mapped and vector-based images, drawings, banners, text, simple animations, and multiple layers. Upon completion, students should be able to design and produce a range of visual products using digital processing techniques.
Class: 2  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
DME-120  Introduction to Multimedia Applications  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces storyboarding and multimedia application design. Topics include vector and bit-mapped graphics, interactive multimedia interfaces, layering techniques, image and animation libraries, and scripting. Upon completion, students should be able to produce basic high-quality interactive multimedia applications.
Class: 2  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
DME-130  Digital Animation I  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces concepts for planning and developing animation sequences. Emphasis will be placed on review of digital animation concepts and exploration of various animation software packages. Upon completion, students should be able to produce simple animations.
Class: 2  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): DME-110
DME-210  User Interface Design  3 (Credits)  
This course covers current design approaches and emerging standards related to the design and development of user interfaces. Emphasis is placed on conducting research, and analyzing and reviewing current practices in effective interface design. Upon completion, students should be able to intelligently discuss and evaluate new and existing digital media products in terms of the user interface.
Class: 2  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
DME-270  Professional Practice in Digital Media  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces students to business skills needed to succeed in the digital media workplace. Topics include portfolio development, resume design, and preparation of media contacts. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare themselves and their work for a career in the digital media workplace.
Class: 2  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): All: DME-120 and DME-130
DME-285  Systems Project  3 (Credits)  
This course provides an opportunity to complete a significant digital media project from the design phase through implementation with minimal instructor support. Emphasis is placed on project definition, testing, presentation, and implementation. Upon completion, students should be able to complete, maintain and implement a digital media project.
Class: 2  Lab: 2  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
State Prerequisite(s): All: DME-120 and DME-130