Computer Information Tec (CTS)

CTS-115  Information Systems Business Concepts  3 (Credits)  
The course introduces the role of IT in managing business processes and the need for business process and IT alignment. Emphasis is placed on industry need for understanding business challenges and developing/managing information systems to contribute to the decision making process based on these challenges. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the 'hybrid business manager' and the potential offered by new technology and systems.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
CTS-120  Hardware/Software Support  3 (Credits)  
This course covers the basic hardware of a personal computer, including installation, operations and interactions with software. Topics include component identification, memory-system, peripheral installation and configuration, preventive maintenance, hardware diagnostics/repair, installation and optimization of system software, commercial programs, system configuration, and device-drivers. Upon completion, students should be able to select appropriate computer equipment and software, upgrade/maintain existing equipment and software, and troubleshoot/repair non-functioning personal computers.
Class: 2  Lab: 3  Clinical: 0  Work: 0