Communication (COM)

COM-110  Introduction to Communication  3 (Credits)  
This course provides an overview of the basic concepts of communication and the skills necessary to communicate in various contexts. Emphasis is placed on communication theories and techniques used in interpersonal group, public, intercultural, and mass communication situations. Upon completion, students should be able to explain and illustrate the forms and purposes of human communication in a variety of contexts.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
COM-120  Introduction to Interpersonal Communication  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces the practices and principles of interpersonal communication in both dyadic and group settings. Emphasis is placed on the communication process, perception, listening, self-disclosure, speech apprehension, ethics, nonverbal communication, conflict, power, and dysfunctional communication relationships. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate interpersonal communication skills, apply basic principles of group discussion, and manage conflict in interpersonal communication situations.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
COM-140  Introduction to Intercultural Communication  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces techniques of cultural research, definitions, functions, characteristics, and impacts of cultural differences in public address. Emphasis is placed on how diverse backgrounds influence the communication act and how cultural perceptions and experiences determine how one sends and receives messages. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles and skills needed to become effective in communicating outside one's primary culture.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
COM-231  Public Speaking  3 (Credits)  
This course provides instruction and experience in preparation and delivery of speeches within a public setting and group discussion. Emphasis is placed on research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive, and special occasion public speaking. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare and deliver well-organized speeches and participate in group discussion with appropriate audiovisual support.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0  
COM-251  Debate I  3 (Credits)  
This course introduces the principles of debate. Emphasis is placed on argument, refutation, research, and logic. Upon completion, students should be able to use research skills and logic in the presentation of ideas within the context of formal debate.
Class: 3  Lab: 0  Clinical: 0  Work: 0