Description of Fees

Student Activity Fee 

The student activity fee provides financial support for the student activities programming, including student government, intercollegiate athletics, intramural recreation, student publications, social activities, student clubs, and related activities, student insurance, student identification cards, parking permits, and other projects of benefit to students. The activity fee is a tiered fee based on the number of credit hours a student is enrolled in.
1 - 8 credit hours - $40.00
9 - 16 credit hours - $50.00

Technology Fee

The technology fee supports the procurement, operation, and repair of computers and other instructional technology, including the supplies and materials that support the technology. This permits the college to purchase computers and other technology, hire support positions to operate and maintain this technology and buy the necessary supplies and materials for operations. The technology fee is $48 for any number of credit hours enrolled.


The CAPS (Campus Access, Parking, and Security) fee supports the construction and maintenance of campus parking lots and roads. In addition, it supports Campus Police, Security Guards, and Jaguar Alerts to ensure a safe campus. The CAPS fee is $4 per credit hour enrolled for curriculum courses, with a maximum of $64 per term and $5 per continuing education course.

Curriculum Refund

Refunds shall be in accordance with the North Carolina Administrative Code and will be made only under the following circumstances:

A 100-percent refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws prior to the first day of the academic semester as noted in the academic calendar. Also, a student is eligible for a 100-percent refund if the class in which the student is officially registered fails to “make” due to insufficient enrollment.

A 75-percent refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to or on the official 10-percent point of the class.

For fast-track classes (classes beginning at times other than the first week or seven calendar days of the semester), a 100-percent refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to the first-class meeting. A 75-percent refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from the class prior to or on the official 10-percent point of the class.

Where a student, having paid the required tuition for a semester, dies during the semester (prior to or on the last day of examinations of the College the student was attending), all tuition and fees for that semester may be refunded to the estate of the deceased.

To comply with applicable federal regulations regarding refunds, federal regulations shall supersede the state refund regulation stated in this rule.

Textbook and Other Expenses

Textbooks and other items are an additional expense for which the student should plan. The cost of textbooks varies with program of study, but the average cost is usually between $500 and $750 per semester for full time students.

Courses Requiring a Digital Textbook

The Digital Textbook Access Charge covers the cost of digital materials needed for this course section only. The Digital Textbook Access Charge must be paid each time a student registers for a class requiring digital access including when a class is repeated. The digital textbook will be accessed through Blackboard. When students pay for courses with digital access the cost of the digital textbook is added to the tuition and fees and must be paid at the same time. Full refunds for digital textbooks will be issued to students who drop this class before the first day of the term.

Other Fees and Costs

It should be clearly understood by the student that in certain courses the student must also provide at his or her own expense certain items needed to perform the practice work required in that course. Examples of such items are; notebooks, uniforms, tools, cosmetology kits, and art supplies.

Students in health programs are required to purchase uniforms and miscellaneous items that may cost approximately $275 depending on the program.

Students in the cosmetology program are required to purchase supply kits and uniforms constituting an additional expense to the student.

Distance learning classes may require the purchase of lab kits, software, and additional technology/equipment.

Students in the therapeutic massage program must supply books, linens, and accessories for hands-on massage therapy practice. Approximate cost of supplies & table is $1,000.

Students in the imaging programs will incur a dosimeter fee each semester. This fee is non-refundable after the semester starts.

Students in the nursing programs will incur a testing fee each semester. This fee is non-refundable.

Books, supplies, and other items may be purchased from the bookstore. Hours of operation are published by the bookstore.

Net Price Calculator

The Net Price Calculator is a tool to help students and parents plan for educational costs at Johnston Community College. It is important to understand that the information you receive from the calculator is only an estimate and shall not be binding to JCC. Many factors come into play when awarding financial aid to students. Submission of the FAFSA is the only way to obtain an accurate determination of eligibility.

Third-Party Sponsors 

Students must present a completed sponsor form from a third-party sponsor detailing all allowed charges prior to registration. Third-party sponsors are defined as any employer, agency, or organization that agrees to pay for a student’s tuition and fees. Once the third-party sponsor authorization has been approved by the College, the student’s account will be billed to the sponsor. However, if a sponsor refuses to pay any or all of the student’s account, the student will be responsible for the remaining balance on his or her account. A student will not be allowed to register for future classes until all balances are paid in full.

Insurance Student Accident Insurance

Student accident insurance provides coverage to all registered and enrolled curriculum students for covered injuries sustained while the insured student is:

  • Participating in activities sponsored or supervised by the school;
  • Traveling during such activities as a member of a group in transportation furnished or arranged by the school; or
  • Traveling directly to or from the insured’s home premises and the site of such activities. Johnston Community College is considered the “home premises.”

The cost of coverage for this insurance program is paid by the College using student activity funds.

For further information concerning effective/termination dates, definitions, accidental death and specific loss benefits, accident medical expense benefits, exclusions, and payment of claims, please refer to the North Carolina Community and Technical Colleges Student Accident Insurance brochure. These brochures are available in the Student Success Center.  

To file a student accident insurance claim, the student must:

  1. Obtain an accident report form and insurance claim form from the Student Success Center within 30 days or as soon as reasonably possible. Employees of the College can access a copy of the accident report form from the College Web site.
  2. Complete both forms in their entirety. If possible, have a faculty or staff member sign the accident report form.
  3. Return both forms to the administrative assistant to the vice president of student services in the Student Services Office.
  4. The student is responsible for submitting the insurance claim form to the college’s insurance carrier. All medical bills and correspondence will be handled between the student and the insurance carrier.

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance is required for students in some programs. The cost is approximately $19 online offerings per year. Professional liability insurance is required for:

  • All students in health programs prior to beginning clinical practice in assigned hospitals and nursing affiliates.
  • Certain practicum sites are approved for early childhood education and school-age education students. Students should check with the practicum instructor to determine if their practicum site requires this insurance.
  • Professional liability insurance is non-refundable once the semester begins.