Purpose of the Catalog

Johnston Community College publishes this catalog to provide prospective and current students, public citizens, business and corporate entities, agencies, and other interested organizations and persons with information about the College, its programs, and services.

The information provided herein is current and up to date as of June 2024 and is as accurate as possible.

The provisions stated in this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between students or other citizens and Johnston Community College or any College division or unit or within the state of North Carolina.

The College reserves the right and responsibility to change or replace any provisions, requirements, fees, schedules, or other information at any time or to add or withdraw courses, program offerings, or listed services as may be necessary.

Every effort will continue to be made to minimize all inconveniences or disruptions that any such changes or replacements may cause to students or to members of the public.

Students having questions not addressed or satisfactorily answered by this catalog may receive additional information from the respective dean, academic advisor, or other professional staff members in student services, instruction, and continuing education.

Changes after the publication of the catalog are posted on the College website at www.johnstoncc.edu.